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6 Myths About Live Launching That Are Holding You Back From a Big Cash Injection

Writer's picture: Nikki TrailorNikki Trailor

Ever looked at people launching and wished you could have some of that confidence and magic? (and the money?!) But instead of doing your own launch, you put it off ‘cause it seems like something other more established business owners do.. Or you don’t think it’ll work for you?

You’re not alone.

There are a lot of misconceptions about when, why, and how to live launch, as well as who should launch.

I’m here to bust the myths. And tell you, you probably could be making more money than you realize by adding live launching into your marketing strategy. Right now.

Even if you don’t have a course, digital product or group program to sell 🤯

Myth #1. You need to have a course or product ready to live launch

Oh heck no. Creating new products or courses is a lotta work! So why create something before you know there’s demand for it? And by demand, I mean people putting their money where their mouth is and paying for it, rather than saying they think they’re into the idea.

I’m all about pre-selling your offers so you get paid to create ‘em. Instead of labouring over something that people just might not buy. If you approach your offers with a “fail fast” mentality, you’ll quickly find a winner and be able to make some money upfront, that’ll tide you over while you create your product or course.

Pre-selling can be a kind of mini-launch just to your email list, instead of a big, public affair. It’s a good way to test it on a small scale, without taking too much time, energy, and effort. You get instant feedback and maybe a bit of cash in the bank, too!

Myth #2. Live launches don’t work for 1:1 services

So many service providers leave their selling to social media, or just add a link to the P.S. at the bottom of their emails that tells the world what they sell.

This may work for you. But there are different types of buyers in the world and I can guarantee in many cases, some people won’t ever think to click those links or buy from those social posts.

For some people, there won’t be enough reason to buy now. Read that again.

This is where a live launch can be a great strategy for your services. A set window of promotion means those fence-sitters are being reminded of your offer multiple times within a short space of time.

And you can also use psychological triggers like scarcity and urgency to encourage action. For example, if you only have 5 spaces available, that’s a great reason for someone who’s interested to buy now instead of wait. Or if there’s a time-based discount or beta price, another great reason to buy now.

Think about the possibility of selling out all the spots for your service within one week of launching. How much easier would that make your life?

Instead of hoping one of your emails or social posts lands and encourages 1 or 2 people to contact you. Your cash flow will be more predictable, you’ll have a bigger cash injection upfront, and you’ll know quickly if people are or aren’t ready to buy.

Myth #3. You need a huge audience to have a successful launch

Before you launch any products or services, you probably want to have some kind of audience. But it’s also a chicken and egg situation. If you don’t have an audience but need cash, should you focus on building your audience or selling?

There’s no easy answer here but there definitely isn’t a wrong answer.

Some people use live launches as a way to build their audience at the same time. The very nature of live launches means you’ll likely be more visible than normal, ‘cause you’re out there promoting your stuff online. And with increased visibility comes extra eyes on your stuff.

So instead of opting out of live launches altogether because you don’t have an audience, why not give it a try to build awareness and an audience at the same time?

I say this all with a caveat – Launching is a numbers game at its core so typically, the bigger the audience the bigger the sales. But while launching with a smaller audience may not be as successful in terms of sales as it would be with an existing audience, if you get any sales and build awareness ready for the next time you plan to launch this offer, it may bring you more success in the long run.

Don’t rule it out just because you feel you’re not ready!

Myth #4. Live launching has to be stressful

When I ask business owners what they think about live launching, it’s always a mixed bag of feelings. But the #1 response is that “it’s stressful.”

It doesn’t have to be! Now, I know many of us business owners attach a lot of emotions to launches but the first thing to remember is that the success or failure of a launch is not tied to your self-worth or how good you are as a business owner.

There are so many factors involved in the success of a launch that the best way to avoid stress is to be prepared!

3 of the biggest mistakes I see are:

  1. Setting unrealistic goals or having too high expectations. Get your FREE Launch Goal Calculator here to see what’s possible, based on your current audience size.

  2. Not planning far enough ahead so they’re scrambling to complete everything. Get your hands on my Ultimate Launch Planner here and never again question what you need to do or when during a live launch!

  3. Not adding buffer time for any hiccups or extra time for self-care. Without managing your energy, it will be stressful! But if you have extra time to do last-minute things that crop up and rest, you’ll be amazed how much easier it’ll feel!

Myth #5. You need to have been in business for X number of years before you launch

This is BS. You can start launching from day 1 in your business if you want to. You don’t need permission to launch. You don’t need to wait until you’re more experienced. You don’t need to do things a certain way just ‘cause you feel you should.

If you want to launch, launch. And if you don’t know how? Ask me!! Or read more tips on my blog.

Myth #6. People don’t buy from live launches any more

You only need to spend 5 minutes scrolling Instagram to see posts from people having 6-figure live launches. It’s still possible. People are still buying. You just need to pay attention to your audience and understand what they need.

In times of economic crisis, most people will only purchase things when they see a clear, tangible outcome. Or when they see what you’re selling as an urgent must-have.

You need to make sure you have clear, compelling copy and a must-have offer that your audience needs. Not sure how to sell out in the current climate? Here what’s working in launches in 2023 and beyond.

Hoping you feel inspired to take on a live launch, whether for your service, a course, or whatever the hell you like.

If you need support with your launch strategy or copy from a 6-figure launch copywriter, apply here to get on my calendar. (page is slow to load, be patient!)


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