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Set yourself up for a 6-figure launch with these launch planning tips…

Writer's picture: Nikki TrailorNikki Trailor

If you fail to hit your goals on your launch, was it something you did? Or was it actually the goals that were the problem? 

One thing I see all the time is people beating themselves up over their launch results, even though their goals were unrealistic for their business, for their audience size, and for their offer. 

I'm going to share how to set goals for your launch that are realistic, but also stretch so you can work towards six or even seven-figure launches and know the exact steps you need to take to get there. 

Launching can be overwhelming, but trust me, it's worse if you set unrealistic goals. Seen it, hate it, don’t want that for you.

Read on for the exact strategies I use to set goals for my clients, six and seven-figure launches. 

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Money Goals

I want to start by talking about the money goals because they are obviously the sexiest ones. But also they’re the big reason you're running a launch in the first place–to make money for your business. 

It's not just about choosing a number that sounds exciting like 100k though.

You need to know exactly how you're going to get there. So how do you figure out your numbers? 

I always start with your revenue number because that's the easiest to calculate. And it's also the most fun. 

First, you need to know your audience size. I normally suggest your email list size because emails typically convert better than things like social media or other marketing channels. But that is a whole other conversation and I could do a whole blog on this one. 

Next, you need to know the price of the offer that you're planning to launch. That's the easy one, you should already have that in mind. 

And finally, you'd need to know your typical sales conversion rate. That's the number of people who typically buy versus the number of people you're trying to sell to. And if you're not sure, an average launch conversion rate could be between 1 and 3%. That's quite conservative. If you're not using a copywriter or a strategist that's a pretty good place to aim for. 

This does vary depending on how warm your audience are, how engaged they are, and a number of other factors. But we just need an average here. 

If you're not sure, just put 1% to be on the safe side. And then if you managed to smash through that target, then you're already way above your lunch goal, which is super exciting. 

Once you have all of these numbers, you can calculate the revenue you could realistically make based on your current audience size. 

So for example, and I'm going to keep this math super simple. If you have an audience of 1000 people, and your lunch conversion rate is typically 1% You can expect to make 10 sales. Now let's say your program costs $1,000. That's $10,000 In launch revenue, based on those conversion rates and your audience size and all that good stuff we calculated. 

If you then decide you would like to make $20,000 and not $10,000, you know that you need to either double your audience size, double your conversion rate, which I would say is typically harder to achieve, or double the price of your program. 

If you need a little help with the math, I have a free launch calculator which you can download here.

Use the calculator to automatically calculate your numbers for you. Play around with it and see what you can achieve based on tweaking any of these three things. 

Once you know how much money you're likely to make, you can then focus on setting other goals like:

  • profit and expenses

  • audience growth goals

  • and conversion rate optimization goals

amongst other things. 

And now you have those goals, it's much easier to make a plan for how you're going to get there. 

Increasing Your Odds Of Success

If you know you need 1000 new people on your email list, but you don't have a budget for meta ads or Google ads or any kind of paid traffic, you can rule that out and look for organic ways to grow your email list instead. 

I wrote another blog on ways to organically grow your email list, without spending a fortune or a ton of time on social media. Pick and choose the one that suits your personality and how you like to do business. 

Remove the stress from your launches 

The second goal that you want to think about setting for your launches, is how you want your launch to feel and how much time you want to dedicate to it. 

Launching can be hella stressful. Not only is there so much to do like assets to create, but there's also the pressure of reaching your goals and needing to keep that mindset in check, which is a lot more draining than you might expect. So if you don't put boundaries in place, it can be so easy to get overwhelmed. 

If you want to feel relaxed when you launch, you can add in a goal that you won't check social media or emails at certain hours of the day. Or you could hire someone to help take some of the workload off your plate. Or you can plan to have all of your assets like your sales page and emails finished and uploaded at least a week in advance of the cart opening, so you're not frantically trying to finish things on the same week that people are starting to buy your offer. 

A bonus tip for this is to schedule time for self-care during your lunch. If I'm launching, I always make time to move my body and get outside, instead of checking my inbox for sales every five minutes, which is NOT productive. 

My final tip for more relaxing launch is to plan and, trust me, it's amazing how many people miss important things like social posts, checking all the tech works, or creating webinar slides. And that last minute panic can be so easily avoided just by planning ahead a little bit. 

I urge you to plan for e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. Think about every outcome and add in buffer time, so you know that if things go wrong, which they probably will in some way (lookin’ at you tech) that you have time to sort them without it impacting your sales and impacting your mindset. 

If you want to have fun while you launch, create a plan that feels lighter and easier, rather than going all out on something you feel you have to do. 

Doing things out of obligation rather than wanting to do them is a surefire way to sabotage your results. 

One of my clients hosted a fun offer party instead of spending weeks prepping for a big Product Launch Formula style launch, and brought in $226,000 in 48 hours, with just a few emails and Instagram Stories. It was really simple. And she spent the entire day at a rooftop pool.

All she did was post a new offer every hour for 12 hours, and watched as the sales rolled in. It felt light and playful, so kept her mindset strong. And she got amazing results to show for it. 

And because she had a new offer coming out every hour on the hour, there was something to keep it exciting and people were buying because they knew those offers were going to be disappearing. 

That's an extreme example but if a typical launch doesn't feel good to you, what can you do to play around with it so that it does feel good? 

What strategy works for you?

Okay, the third thing I want you to set goals for is how you want to launch. There are a lot of different ways to do things and a lot of different strategies to try. You could do a simple email-only launch like how I teach in my course the One-Week launch Formula. I've used this exact process to sell out one to one services and have helped clients make $36,000 in a week using this exact system. 

You could do an offer party like I spoke about in the last tip. Or you could go all out and run a webinar or challenge launch

There are a million things that you could try. But the point is to play to your strengths. Because what feels good to someone else may not feel good to you. 

Experiment with this and see what you enjoy and what brings you the best results as well. Then double down on it. 

There's no one size fits all when it comes to launching and I want to invite you to get creative and have fun with it. Yes, plan it out. And yes, be strategic. But don't let the seriousness of it all take over. If you're only using strategies because you've heard you “should” do something, that's a recipe for burnout and missing out on your goals. 

Don't mistake that for me saying you don't have to do things that challenge you. Sometimes you will need to get uncomfortable but you don't have to do it all just because. 

I've worked with people who have chronic illnesses and never run big launch events but they still have multi six-figure launches. And they still have a seven-figure business. 

They do have a very large and very engaged audience now so that increases their odds of success but they started out with 0 and have built it up to that point. Instead of adding unrealistic expectations to their launch and trying to do it all in a condensed period of time, they know to focus on engaging and nurturing that audience throughout the year, so they can continue to bring in those results.

 Let me know if you plan to try any of these strategies in your next launch down in the comments and I'll be there cheering you on. 

If you're struggling to get the launch results you want check out this post on the five steps to turn a failed launch into a successful one. 


Want to stay up to date with what’s working in launches right now? Join the Launch Insiders Vault for just $9 and get access to launch trends, out-of-the-box strategies, and case studies from people who are killing it in the launch space! 


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